Saturday, October 31, 2015

Weekend Wrap-up – Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Another week has passed. I don't know where they go, but seven days just disappear. I've talked about time in the past, so I'm not going to belabor that point. Time is linear, it's the same now as it was when we were kids growing up. But, it sure seems like it goes faster the older we get. Someone has likened the passing of time to a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end of the roll, the faster it seems to go. Oh well, it is what it is. Just live life to the fullest and get as much out of every moment as you can.

Nothing extraordinary this week. It's been pretty much more of the same. List stuff on eBay. Hope it sells. Take a beating if it does. Pack it! Ship it! And it passes into oblivion. Another point not to belabor – we just have too much stuff in our lives and most of us don't realize it and do anything about it until it becomes a huge chore. John and Sharon, a couple of, very soon to be, full-time nomadic friends are going through this process as I compose this article. We commiserate about the process via email. I try to make it fun and joyful. But, I won't kid myself or you, it's not!

We had a little rain this week and some breeze. I suspect it was the remnants from the super hurricane, Patricia, that has apparently left a lot of southwest Texas under a lot of flood water. It wasn't much here, but other parts of the region experienced a lot more precipitation and wind. I guess this was the typical wind event that comes through every fall and removes the majority of the leaves from the trees introducing the beginning of the winter season. I don't know about where you are, but this year the colors seemed to be quite muted compared to most past falls. Or, maybe my cataracts are maturing faster than I realize.

Today is Halloween. TV has been crazy with costumes. I caught a preview last night of the very conservative Charlie Rose made up to look like the Frankenstein Monster. I must say, it was a very effective costume. I'm dressing up as a “senior citizen.” No one will ever guess it's me around where I am in WV because everyone looks like a senior citizen.

So, now, allow me to make a few comments about . . .

The Week That Was

So, as usual, there was the standard amount of murder, mayhem, rape, fraud, theft, drug busts and so on. I remember hearing of several pedestrians being hit by motor vehicles, some were hit and runs and all victims died. Funny, though, I haven't heard anything about the motor vehicle lobby wanting to ban motor vehicles or alcohol or prescription narcotic drugs – all complicit in these incidents.

Our Pretender in Chief, after making it VERY CLEAR in VERY SIMPLE language, that he will not put any “boots on the ground” in Syria, this week, sent U.S. boots on the ground in Syria. Is this the first time he's snowed the U.S. public. Absolutely Not! Will it be the last time? Hey, he still has about 14 ½ months to work on screwing up his already checkered legacy. Of course, that's my opinion. It may not be yours, but that's okay, I still honor and defend Freedom of Speech and Thought, though I'm not sure about him, the Supreme Court or Congress.

There was the CNBC Debacle, oops, I mean Republican debate this past week. I guess NBC sent in the third string for this event. Not only did the moderators put on a bad show, but not much of real substance was covered. As the candidates and the rest of the media have been calling them, the questions were typically “gotcha” questions. It wasn't about substance, it was about attempting to get the candidates to trip over themselves. For the most part, the candidates were the adults in that room with the peanut gallery asking the questions. There are eight more debates scheduled between now and the end of February. The Republican National Committee has told NBC, parent company of CNBC, that the last debate that is to be hosted by NBC is not going to happen. NBC has blown themselves out of the water.

Frankly, I was also pretty pissed off that I couldn't watch the CNBC debate. You either had to have a cable subscription (even though the debate was only streamed online) or you had to pay CNBC $29.99 for a month's online subscription to watch. What ever happen to Public Affairs and keeping the public informed? I don't generally like a lot of regulation, but this seems to be one of the regulations that has made it harder for me, as part of the public, to keep informed. Of course they only had 14 million viewers for this debate compared to the 24 million for the Fox debate and the 22.9 million for the CNN debate. True, it was an all time record for CNBC beating their previous record of 4.9 million viewers and it was competing with the World Series and did beat out the number of viewers for the first game. But, it was a minor league event with a major league price tag. I have to wonder how many viewers they missed by making it a costly event, when the other two events could be seen on the cable channel feeds and streamed online during the actual debate.

Oh, well! It's just business as usual. The business of government and the business of controlled media. Personally, I haven't seen one candidate I'm ready to support. But, I do have one candidate who I'll vote for ANY candidate running against that person. I won't say more about that now. I'll see how this whole thing plays out by November 2016.

So, that's it for this week. The world is still spinning on its axis and the law of gravity is still in effect. Tomorrow begins “standard time” again. Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour when you go to bed tonight. We're only about 51 days from the shortest day of the year. Stores and retailers online have already started the countdown to the holiday season. They are pushing all the products and “Stuff” they can push out their doors or shipping areas into your closets, basements, attics, garages and rented storage units. Me? I'm looking forward to about two months from now when all the craziness is over and I can go into a store and just purchase what I need at a realistic price.

Weekend Reads, Listens and Watches –

If you're of a certain age and you haven't seen this YouTube video before, check it out. It may bring a tear to your eye, but in any event, it will bring back some important memories. The individual who produced this did a terrific job.

I have listened to the words to American Pie for many years and thought I understood everything that was being sung about. However when the words are put together with pictures and film clips the song takes on new meaning. It took a lot of thought. Sure brings back lots of memories. Very well done and imagination to write it and a lot of work putting the images together also. A job well done! American Pie


Do you like Happy? I sure do. A new Twitter follower called “The Happy Channel” connected with my account this week. I couldn't help but to check out their Web site. What I found was a wonderful array of happy blogs and things to be found on the Web, so I'm sharing the Website with you, enjoy . . .


Are you a “Type A – Workaholic” personality? Even if you're not, most of us have had our “Responsibility” gene so conditioned that we seem to put work before pleasure. Courtney Cox, one of my favorite bloggers with her always helpful ideas from her “Be More With Less” blog brings home another important idea on simplifying our lives and being freer and happier in this short post . . . Take a Walk Around the Lake


Are you a freedom lover? Do you support the U.S. Constitution and the liberties it affords all U.S. citizens and legal, documented immigrants? Do you believe the Bill of Rights is vital to a free and happy population? If you do (and if you don't you probably wouldn't be reading this blog) then here is an interesting article on an important issue taking place on the campuses of U.S. colleges and universities currently. Remember, these are the young people who will be leading our companies, institutions and government in the future. They will be the trustees of our economy, the American Dream and the American Way of Life. What do you make of this? It's a fact: Today's college students are warming to totalitarianism »


Another of my favorite bloggers, Marelisa Fabrega with her inspiring blog “Daring to Live Fully” eliminates a lot of excuses for why we seem to think we can't create, achieve or fulfill our dreams. We are often guilty of placing constraints on ourselves and using those constraints as excuses for not being able to do the things we want to do. I totally relate to this concept. I have so many things on my “drawing board” that I'd like to do, but seem to always have constraints (mostly self-imposed) holding me back from completing them or, in many cases, even starting them. Check out Marelisa's ideas . . . How Constraints and Limitations Will Make You More Productive & Resourceful

That's A Wrap . . .

Well, that's a wrap for this weekend. Have fun either trick or treating, greeting the trick or treaters or going to a Halloween party, if those are in your plans for this evening. And, again, don't forget to set your clocks back one hour tonight before you go to bed as we usher in standard time.

Share this article with friends, colleagues and relatives you feel will relate and gain from it. Let me and you fellow blog readers know what's going on in your thoughts about anything mentioned in this article. Leave a comment. Friend me on the Living Free Facebook page and connect with me on Google +.

Live free and be happy. EH

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